Rebuild Confidence After Depression
First of all I want to know how important self-confidence is to you? Is it for survival, pursuit of happiness, or some other reason? Let me tell you that rebuild confidence after depression also means that you are ready to reopen those old wounds.
you need to know how severe depression is, how the healing process is and
whether it has been completed. Rebuild confidence after depression is related
to the healing process which is also different.
not going to talk about depression here because I think you already know that
and now it's time for you to start your journey again.
Tips to Rebuild Confidence After Depression
- Make a List of Your Weaknesses or Your Fear
is quite difficult to do because you inevitably have to remember what made you
depressed. Like opening an old wound where you will feel triggered about what
makes you uncomfortable.
like you are treating a blister when you fall on a bicycle, you have to clean
the wound not so that it doesn't get infected, which must be very unpleasant,
then you put a plaster on the wound. Similar to the inner wounds that make you
depressed, you also need to describe them first before taking steps to be more
hard but I'm sure you can do it. Trust me! That means you don't neglect
yourself, try to care more.
- Thinking Positively
describing what you found hurtful, you also need to look at your past wounds
from another perspective. Not the same as in the past that made you entangled
in your own inner condemnation. Start thinking positively about yourself,
appreciate every self-achievement, and believe in yourself that you can get
through everything well.
- Don’t Bring Too Much Feeling
get carried away. Often this feeling just appears because it is too long a
habit that we have so that our subconscious gets used to it. It doesn't matter.
Slowly try to fix that feeling through the signs that are often presented. As
soon as the feeling is present and makes you uncomfortable, quickly realize
that it is only your feeling of helplessness that will hurt you.
me tell you that you really don't need to be so disappointed or anxious about
what other people think of you. Instead of thinking about you all day they are
just giving you less than 10 minutes of glances and it will pass. But you used
to think of it as something that made you think about it all day. Hey, other
people don't have that much time to think about you. Just like you, they are
more busy taking care of their own problems. So ignore it.
- Choose Sport
You Like and Do It
to research, sports activities that are carried out regularly can restore a
better mood. With exercise you feel every movement of your body and begin to
feel happy.
- Do Something New
you are bored with your usual activities, try something new. Most are afraid of
trying new things because they think it will not be comfortable, afraid of
failure, and other bad things that will happen. Even though it's just your
thoughts. Remember that your thoughts also become suggestions of what will
be afraid to fail, think that failure will only make you more advanced because
there is a lesson in every failure. Be passionate about trying new things for
sure it will be fun.
- Feed Your Mind
your mind with positive things, such as reading books, attending seminars,
courses, etc. Don't let yourself sink into helplessness by indulging him in
watching sad dramas that will make you feel even worse.
are some tips for rebuilding confidence after depression. Depression is not a
bad thing, it can happen to anyone. Take a break in your life, re-experience
painful situations and find patterns. After that you start giving positive
stimulation to build your confidence back.
belief that you deserve that confidence again. You are not as bad as you think
and stop feeling like trash.
hurt yourself by ignoring your feeling. Don't like to please other people just
because you feel guilty or it's your duty. Remember that their happiness
belongs only to them, not you are responsible. Instead, you are responsible for
your own happiness.
that each of us has weaknesses, we just don't show them. We don't know that her
beauty on social media has to go through days full of struggles, namely
treatments, strict diets, and thousands of shots. It's the same with you, what
you think is better than you are now, you don't know what you've been through.
you are more calm in dealing with life. Slowly rebuild confidence after
depression. You deserve it.
thing that will still prevent you from returning to confidence after depression
is when you still see other people as more everything than you. It will only
make you depressed again and fall deeper into helplessness.
start looking at other people the same as you. Those who you think are great
must also have their own tough journey, although you can't compare which
journey is heavier. Because of course our abilities are different.
is not supposed to bring you down, but to make you stronger. When you are
destined to feel it, understand that you are the chosen one who is able to go
through it.
know it's hard. I know how struggle you to cover it. The days with depression
are exhausting. so wake up and find your happiness. That way you will be more
confident to face the world.
one can help you but yourself. Even self-improvement books, psychologists, they
are just a stimulus for us. We are the ones who can truly heal ourselves. So
don't wait for someone else to come to your aid.
confidence after depression will be a new thing for you. yes, the new you.
start with a new life and hope. The past cannot simply be lost from memory, but
it is actually a true teacher who gives valuable lessons for our lives for a
better future.
my idol motivator said, "don't look for a beautiful place but make it
beautiful where you are now". Thanks for Muniba Mazari, you make the world
a better place.
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