How to Clean Tile Floors With Baking Soda
The choice for
using floor tile is great for your house, especially the kitchen that is easier
get dirty than other rooms. Because with the proper care, tile flooring can
look like new for years. The kitchen is in a high traffic area because we
always enter through our back door. Beside for the kitchen, tile flooring is
also a durable choice for bathroom that might get wet from time to time. But
some of you maybe still get confuse in how to clean tile floors, because
ceramics is easier to clean up than tile flooring. Here is the basic tile
flooring care for your room.
The white tile was
not our choice because it easy to get dirty, and it takes time to clean it
frequently. People often feel dilemma with the choice for their floors, between
want to keep clean and light with white tile floors and choose dark color for
the floors to avoid cleaning it a couple of times in a week. But how to
clean tile floors with baking soda? It will help you to clean your white
tiles easily. You can sweep or vacuum the floor daily, because dirt that is
allowed to sit in wet areas can quickly turn into hard to remove grime. Then
you can mop the floor with warm water, and dry the floor. I recommend giving
the Arm and Hammer Baking Soda Solution a try on your floors. It is a more
natural product, works well, and it’s much cheaper then the other floor
cleaners. But the longer stain sits, the more time it will have to soak into
the grout, so clean up spills promptly with disinfectant. If you have stubborn
stain, you can clean it with deep clean technique with vinegar solution.
You just need to remember
for solving your problem about white tile floors, you can use the way on how
to clean tile floors with baking soda. Kitchen floor tile indeed can not
stay away from stain that spills on your floor tile. But you can keep it clean
daily, and mop it a couple of times in a week. Baking soda will help you to
keep your tile floors clean.
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